Setting up a new aquarium can be a thrilling experience but it’s important to be patient and let the tank find balance before adding fish. The first few days will be a time of transition as the aquarium biota grows and the nitrifying bacteria colonies build. This process takes time but using an aquarium quick start like Aquarium Pharmaceuticals Quick Start 8 OZ can help speed things up and protect your fish from the dangers of ammonia poisoning.
Aquarium Quick Start adds a large quantity of nitrifying bacteria to your aquarium water, providing a healthy and hospitable environment for your aquatic companions. Use it when starting a new aquarium, adding fish, changing water, cleaning filters (cartridges on hang-on filters and mechanical media such as carbon, ammo-chips in canister filters), after medicating or whenever ammonia and nitrite are detected.
To make sure that Aquarium Quick Start is working as it should, test the water every day with aquarium tests strips or kits until ammonia and nitrite reach zero. In the meantime, feed sparingly. A good rule of thumb is to feed the amount that your fish can consume in 2 minutes or less. Overfeeding will cause ammonia and nitrite to rise. Also check your filter for any signs of ammonia and nitrite such as food lying on the bottom, cloudy water or foaming at the surface. If you find these, use Aqueon Ammonia Neutralizer or perform a partial water change as needed to keep ammonia and nitrite from reaching dangerous levels.
It’s common for the water in a new aquarium to turn cloudy after you’ve added your first fish. This is a bacterial bloom and will clear up in a few days. If you have a very hard to clear aquarium, using Aqueon Water Clarifier can accelerate the process. Resist the temptation to do a large water change, as this will prolong the bloom and stress your fish.
If your aquarium is already cycled, a small dose of Aquarium Quick Start can help speed the process by providing extra nitrifying bacteria to combat existing ammonia and nitrite. However, it is still important to perform regular water changes (about 10% to 25% weekly) and treat tap water with Aqueon Aquarium Water Conditioner before adding it to your aquarium.
Once ammonia and nitrite reach 0, your aquarium is fully cycled and you can safely introduce additional fish. Be sure to quarantine any new fish for at least 48 hours and only add a few at a time. This will prevent your aquarium from becoming overcrowded, which can cause harmful ammonia spikes that can kill the fish.